• SVMA Online Classroom

    Welcome to the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association's Online Classroom 

    This site is dedicated to providing online continuing education to veterinary professionals and the SVMA licensing course.

    As is the case with all continuing education events and materials, all online courses must be completed to be eligible for CE credit. 

    All registrations for courses in the online classroom will be valid for one year, meaning all courses registered for must be taken and completed within a year. Automatic un-enrollments occur after 365 days. The exception is the SVMA Licensing Course which must be completed prior to application approval or by a determined deadline. 

    Veterinary professionals from other jurisdictions may request access to the classroom by emailing svma@svma.sk.ca
    Please use the subject line: Classroom Access Request

Available courses

Join Ministry of Agriculture specialists and WCVM experts to learn more about the tools available to help you make difficult diagnoses. Jenifer Heyden, Natasha Wilkie and Taylor Lenard from the Ministry of Agriculture will discuss services offered to help vets and producers narrow down the cause of some problems. Dr. Nathan Erickson, an associate professor at WCVM, will discuss how the Disease Investigation Unit can help you with tricky cases. Dr. Vanessa Cowan, assistant professor at the WCVM, will discuss submitting good samples to Prairie Diagnostic Services.

Speaker: Dr Altina Wickstrom

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Speakers: Dr Sarah Wood and Geoff Wilson

One and a half hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Since 2018, the SVMA has made available education on provincial and federal regulations and procedures pertaining to animal welfare. At a recent Council meeting a motion was passed requiring all registered SVMA members to complete the 'Animal Welfare: What Every Veterinary Professional Should Know' course available in the SVMA Online Classroom. This will ensure all members have an opportunity to review the legislation and gain a renewed appreciation of our role in ensuring animal welfare within the province of Saskatchewan.

This course contains 2 hours of continuing education. 

Speaker: Darci Palmer, BS, LVT, VTS (Anesthesia & Analgesia)

Because a veterinary patient's response to anesthetic agents is not always predictable, it is vital to monitor each patient closely. To make appropriate management decisions during anesthesia the veterinary anesthetist must be able to interpret what the monitored parameters are indicating. This live CE webinar will discuss the monitoring equipment used to assess ventilation and oxygenation with an in-depth look at hypoventilation and hypoxemia.

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Speaker: Darci Palmer, BS, LVT, VTS (Anesthesia & Analgesia)

Cardiovascular complications can be a common occurrence during anesthesia because most anesthetic drugs have an adverse effect on cardiovascular function. This live CE webinar will define causes of bradycardia, tachycardia, hypotension and hypovolemia along with discussing treatment options to consider for intra-operative management.

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Speakers: Janine Lensen and Patti Wilk, RVT
Topics include:
- Objectives of the Feed Program
- Feed Program Activities in SK
- Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochure (CMIB)
- Feed Regulations: prescription standards, prescription checklist
- Veterinary prescription excercise
- Common prescription non-compliances

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Speakers: Dr Margaret Doyle

This lecture will cover how to approach a case of animal cruelty, whether neglect or abuse, from presentation to witness testimony. We will discuss the roles of various veterinary team members in an investigation and the roles of other key players like officers and prosecutors. Every case begins with the presentation of an animal,  either with an owner or with law enforcement. How the team manages these cases depends on that presentation and the specifics of the case, but a basic algorithm can help guide you through nearly any case. We will discuss how presentation influences what testing can be performed and when. Case examples will highlight that collection and documentation of evidence is essential and is often different to a normal medical record. Understanding how to write records and statements for law enforcement can make the difference between having to go to court to explain your evidence or simply having your report accepted. Often the most stressful part of being involved in a case is the possibility of being called to court. Don’t worry! We’ll talk about how to prepare for court and what the experience will be like if you do have to go.

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Dr Lewis will discuss what associates want, how to navigate their expectations to fit your needs and how the retention market is a new monster!

Speaker - Dr Keelan Lewis

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

The problem of antimicrobial resistance will be summarized, and an overview of how these drugs interact with their microbial targets will be presented. We will critically explore how to interpret antimicrobial susceptibility profiles, incorporate evidence into prescribing decisions and biases that influence therapeutic choice/dosing regimen.

Speaker – Dr Joe Rubin

Two hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

This lecture will focus on patient assessment / stabilization, principles of equine wound management, considerations for surgical reconstruction, involvement of sensitive structures, and guidelines for referral.

Speaker – Dr Ryan Wolker

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Topical therapy is often under utilized in veterinary medicine. Topical therapy can be used to remove debris and exudate, reduce the microbial load as well as allowing a more focal treatment. The development of multi-drug resistant bacterial strains has also lead to a need for veterinarians to consider alternative therapies.

Speaker - Dr Charlie Pye

One hour of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Pig Health: An Introduction to basic swine diseases and challenges with a practical approach to treatment.

Speaker – Dr Kelsey Gray

Two hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

This lecture will cover the diagnosis and characterization of corneal ulcers in animals. We will discuss appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for corneal ulceration based on ulcer type. This will include updated information based on recent literature as well as new therapeutic options.

Speaker – Dr Lynne Sandmeyer

One and a half hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

During the remote session, Dr Dickinson will discuss collection techniques to optimize lymph node sample quality and discuss diagnostic options beyond microscopic findings for lymph node tissue. Live microscope session and select images will be used to help guide practitioners to see what a pathologist is looking for to help rule in nefarious disease processes such as metastatic disease for various tumour types. Findings from primary lesions and their correlation to lymph node findings will be included. The focus will be practical cytopathology, though histopathology/biopsy section slides will be included to help illustrate key architectural features.

Speaker – Dr Ryan Dickinson

Two hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Prevention of dystocia is the goal for nearly every beef and dairy herd owner, but a zero-dystocia incidence every year is highly unrealistic. Veterinarians must be skilled in not only assisting clients in preventing dystocia’s, but also in treating them. There are various techniques suggested for assisting a cow with a dystocia. The Utrecht method is a time-tested technique that reduces the stress on the cow, calf and technician before, during and after the delivery process.

Speaker – Dr Mark Hilton

One and a half hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Zebras of pathology. What seems like a straight forward and routine diagnostic case can sometimes take an unexpected twist. Every so often those hoof beats you hear in the night are zebras. This will be a brief trip through interesting and unusual diagnostic cases that have come through the pathology service.

What’s new in the world of pathology? Diagnostic tests, procedures and tools change all the time. This talk will be a brief tour through what’s new, why we use it and how it can help you. Other topics touched upon will be changing features of animal disease as we see it through the diagnostic lab.

Speaker - Dr Bruce Wobeser

Two hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

Poultry Vaccination - Corona Virus (IBV): Not in this flock!

This webinar aims to provide veterinary professionals with information regarding the vaccination of small flock/backyard poultry including reasons to vaccinate, vaccine administration, which vaccines to administer, ordering poultry vaccines, and serology.

Speakers - Dr Tyra Dickson and Dr Stephanie Smith 

One and a half (1.5) hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

This lecture will focus on some of the biggest problems and diseases in small ruminant practice. Covering everything from husbandry practices and how they influence disease processes to the clinical presentation of some of the most common diseases you will encounter, this discussion aims to provide you with the tools necessary to tackle many small ruminant challenges. This a lecture that EWE DOEn’t want to miss!

Speaker - Dr. Michael Pesato

Three hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

This is a hematology centered presentation. including the steps for reviewing a blood smear to complement automated results. Case study includes examining the analyzer print out and deciphering what it means and compare it to what it looks like on a smear. 

Speaker – Brianne Bellwood, RVT, VTS (Clinical Pathology) CCRVN 

Two hours of SVMA approved continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.

This course was developed by the SVMA staff to help practices keep in compliance with Narcotic/Controlled drug storage, recording and other regulations. 
This course is worth one-hour of continuing education. 

These sessions will consist of a variety of practical soft tissue surgery techniques that most veterinarians can perform in their practice. Video segments of clinical case material, carefully edited to form a real-life experience, will be used as a means of delivering the surgical lectures. An advantage of this lecture style is that participants are able to see the case actually operated on during the lecture.

  • Intestinal anastomosis – tips to make it easier
  • Surgical management of GDV
  • Anal sacculectomy: a novel approach
  • The 4 ligature splenectomy
  • Surgical management of brachycephalic syndrome
Speaker – Dr Howard Seim

Four hours of continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary technologists.